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来源:北京张雷律师 浏览次数:55次 发布时间:2021-10-11

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DCFTA的其中一项最重要的横向机制(horizontal mechanisms)是争端解决机制(DSM)。本文将对DCFTA争端解决机制进行分析,并将这种新的争端解决机制与WTO下广泛使用的争端解决机制进行对比并分析其异同。
《欧盟-乌克兰联合协定》的上述仲裁程序比WTO争端解决机制的仲裁程序快得多(即150天)。在WTO 争端解决机制中,从仲裁庭组成到争端解决机构通过仲裁庭报告的期限为9个月。
还应指出的是,《欧盟-乌克兰联合协定》未规定上诉程序,这是其与WTO争端解决机制相比的另一个显著特点,在WTO 争端解决机制中,上诉机构可以支持、修改或推翻仲裁庭的法律认定和结论。
《欧盟-乌克兰联合协定》争端解决机制规定的上述履行程序与WTO争端解决机制规定的履行程序大体相似。在WTO 争端解决机制中,先通过谈判为履行设定一个截止期限,以15个月为基准。在截止期限之前,履行方必须报告其行动,如果在截止期限之前未履行,争端解决机构可以授权申请人在相当于利益丧失(或减损)的范围内中止让步或中止履行WTO下的其他义务。如就履行发生争端,该争端必须根据WTO 争端解决机制解决,并(在可能的情况下)提交原仲裁庭解决。
Dispute Settlement Mechanism under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement
The EU-Ukraine Association Agreement (hereinafter: “EU-Ukraine AA” or “AA”) is widely considered to be “the most ambitious agreement the European Union has ever offered to a non-Member State.[1]
Of particular significance is the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA),which forms an integral part of the EU-Ukraine AA and which covers substantially all trade between the EU and Ukraine aiming at the highest possible degree of liberalization by including legally binding legislative approximation commitments. The DCFTA chapters cover substantive provisions on trade liberalization and economic integration but also contain a number of horizontal mechanisms.
One of the most important horizontal mechanisms of the DCFTA is, in my view, the Dispute Settlement Mechanism (DSM). The main focus of this article is to analyse how the DCFTA DSM is expected to function and what are the similarities and differences of this new dispute settlement mechanism when compared with the widely used dispute settlement mechanism under the WTO. 
General provisions of the Dispute Settlement Mechanisms under EU-Ukraine AA
A dispute settlement mechanism forms part of the overall structure of the EU-Ukraine AA and its inclusion into the Agreement is crucial because there will inevitably be disagreements concerning the scope and the nature of the commitments that both Parties have made. Obviously, international trade rules are effective when they are properly applied. Therefore, dispute settlement mechanisms are set up in most trade agreements to ensure that the agreements can be enforced and that disputes can be settled effectively.
Almost all Free Trade Agreements (FTAs) rely in practice on one of the three general types of dispute settlement mechanisms: 
-diplomatic settlement by negotiation;
-judgments by standing tribunals;
-the World Trade Organization (WTO) model, in which a panel is established to hear and adjudicate a dispute. 
The currently dominant model for FTAs dispute settlement is based on the WTO’s dispute settlement system (originally developed under GATT). The WTO’s dispute settlement procedures have formed expectations of the governments concerning reliable dispute settlement and enforcement system in trade agreements. Therefore, the FTAs negotiations have frequently resorted to the WTO-like system as the basis for the dispute settlement system in FTAs.
The objective of the EU-Ukraine DCFTA DSM is set out clearly: “to avoid and settle,in good faith, any dispute between the Parties […] and to arrive at a mutually agreed solution wherever possible”.[2]
Atthe outset, it has to be mentioned that for the disputes concerning the interpretation and application of the non-DCFTA provisions of the EU-Ukraine AA, a standard dispute settlement mechanism is provided in accordance with Article 477 of the EU-Ukraine AA. This mechanism provides that the Association Council can settle disputes after consultations by issuing a binding decision.In cases, when an agreement cannot be reached within the Association Council after a three-month period, the complaining party may take “appropriate measures”. Article 478 of the EU-Ukraine AA specifies that in selection of appropriate measures, priority shall be given to those which least disturb the functioning of the AA. Such measures may not include the suspension of any rights or obligations provided for under the provisions of the EU-Ukraine DCFTA.[3]
The most innovative and advanced elements of the dispute settlement under the EU-Ukraine AA concern with the way disputes are to be settled with regard to the interpretation and application of the DCFTA provisions. Indeed, Chapter 14 of Title IV provides the basis for a new, separate and prompt DSM. The new DSM clearly departs from the traditional diplomatic approach to dispute settlement which essentially relied on consultations and negotiations as the main tools in order to solve a trade dispute.
The EU-Ukraine DCFTA DSM provides for a modern and “quasi-judicial” model of dispute settlement which has been inserted in all FTAs of the EU since 2000[4] and which is largely based on the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding (DSU).[5]
The provisions of the DSM apply to any dispute concerning the interpretation and application of the provisions of the EU-Ukraine DCFTA, except when other wiseexpressly provided.[6] According to Article 52 of the EU-Ukraine AA, the following sections of the EU-Ukraine DCFTA have been excluded from the jurisdiction of the DSM:
-Trade Remedies: global safeguard measures, safeguard measures on passengercars, anti-dumping and countervailing measures;[7]
-Anti-trust and mergers;[8]
-Trade and Sustainable Development;[9]
The EU-Ukraine AA also provides specific DSM provisions relating to regulatory approximation.[10] As mentioned above, under the EU-Ukraine AA, Ukraine has undertaken to apply, implement or incorporate in its domestic legislation a pre-determined set of EU laws. In case when a dispute would arise concerning the interpretation and application of the provisions relating to regulatory approximation, [11] the arbitration panel shall not decide the question, but request the Court of Justice of the EU to give a ruling on the question. The ruling of the Court of Justice of the EU will be binging on the arbitration panel. This mechanism whereby the questions of the legal interpretation of the EU acquis incorporated into the EU-Ukraine AA are directed to the EU Court viathe preliminary ruling procedure is crucial for ensuring homogeneous interpretation of the incorporated EU acquis.
Finally,it should be noted that the rulings of the arbitration panels do not have direct effect since it is provided that the “[the arbitration panel rulings] shall not create any rights or obligations for natural or legal persons”. [12]
When there is a dispute regarding the interpretation and application of DCFTA, the DSM provides that the Parties shall first enter into consultations in good faith with the aim of reaching a mutually agreed solution. A Party may seek consultations by means of a written request to the other Party identifying the measure at issue and the provisions of the Agreement that it considers applicable. Consultations shall be held within 30 days [13]of the date of receipt of the request and shall take place, unless the Parties agree otherwise, in the territory of the Party complaint against. [14]
A consultation stage is important because it gives the Parties an opportunity to have a focused (and relatively informal) discussion about a specific issue.Consultations are also important because they provide a good opportunity to clarify the facts and to gather all the relevant data in order to carefully evaluate the strength of the case before determining a Party’s further litigation strategy. For the responding Party, consultations may also offer a good opportunity to avoid litigation (and reduce dispute settlement costs) by trying to convince the other Party that some or all of the claims are not worth bringing to further litigation stage.
Establishment of the arbitration panel
If the parties have failed to resolve the dispute by recourse to consultations,the complaining party may request establishment of an arbitration panel. The EU-Ukraine AA provides the standard terms of reference of the arbitration panel: “to examine the matter referred to in the request for establishment of the arbitration panel, to rule on the compatibility of the measure in question with the provisions of this Agreement […] and to make a ruling in accordance with Article 310 of this Agreement”.
Both Parties have the right to establish an arbitration panel, which is composed of three arbitrators. A permanent list of 15 arbitrators is envisaged under the EU-Ukraine AA (five from each of the Parties and five who are nationals of either Party) with specialized knowledge or experience of law and international trade.[15] The procedure is different from the WTO DSU which relies on ad hoc selection of the arbitrators (panelists) from an open roster. Chairperson of the arbitration panel will be appointed from the nationals of either Party. Incase the Parties cannot agree on the composition of the panel, it is provided that the panelists will be drawn by lot from the list of the arbitrators.
Importantly,the Parties cannot block the initiation of the arbitration procedures by refusing to appoint an arbitrator. This important characteristic feature distinguishes the present DSM from the previous, predominantly diplomatic DSM in the framework of the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) where one party could significantly delay and/or refuse appointment of arbitrators and effectively block subsequent adjudication.
Interim Panel Report
The arbitration panel must issue to the Parties its interim report setting out the findings of the facts, the applicability of the relevant provisions and the basic rationale behind any findings and recommendations within 90 days of the date of establishment of the arbitration panel (in certain cases when it is nopossible to respect the 90 days deadline due specific reasons, an extension is possible but in no circumstances should an interim report be issued later than 120 days of the date of establishment of the arbitration panel). Any Party may submit a written request for the arbitration panel to review precise aspects of the interim report within 14 days of its issuance.[16]
Arbitration Panel Ruling
The arbitration panel must notify its ruling to the Parties and to the Trade Committee within 120 days of the date of establishment of the arbitration panel (with possibility of extension but under no circumstances should the ruling be notified later than 150 days from the date of establishment of the arbitration panel. [17]
The above-described arbitration procedure under the EU-Ukraine AA is significantly more expedite (i.e. 150 days) than that under the WTO DSU which sets a nine months deadline from the panel establishment to adoption of the panel report by the Dispute Settlement Body. 
It should also be noted that the EU-Ukraine AA does not provide for an appellate procedure which is another distinctive feature when compared to the WTO DSU where the Appellate Body can uphold, modify or reverse the legal findings and conclusions of a panel.
Compliance and remedies
Each Party is obliged to take measures necessary in order to comply in good faith with arbitration panel ruling, and the Parties will endeavor to agree on the period of time to comply with the ruling. The complying Party has 30 days after the notification of the arbitration panel to notify the other Party and the Trade Committee about the reasonable period of time it considers necessary for compliance. The complying Party is then obliged to notify the complaining Party and the Trade Committee before the end of the reasonable time of any measure it has taken to comply with the arbitration ruling.
In case of disagreement concerning the existence or consistency of the notified measure, the complaining Party may request the original arbitration panel to rule on the matter. The arbitration panel must notify its ruling within 45 days of the date of submission of the request. 
If no agreement on compensation is reached, the complaining Party is entitled to suspend obligations arising from any provision contained in the EU-Ukraine DCFTA at a level equivalent to the nullification or impairment caused by the violation.[18]
The above-described compliance procedure under the EU-Ukraine AA DSM is largely similar to that under the WTO DSU where the compliance begins with setting a deadline for compliance through negotiations with a 15-month benchmark for the compliance deadline. During the period before the deadline, the complying party must report on its actions and in case compliance has not taken place before the deadline, the Dispute Settlement Body may authorize the complainant to suspend concessions or other obligations under the WTO, in an amount equivalent to the nullification (or impairment).  Incase there is a dispute concerning compliance, it must be settled under the WTO DSU with recourse to the original panel (whenever possible).
Mediation mechanism
A separate mediation mechanism is provided that allows the Parties to seek mutuallyagreed solutions through a comprehensive and expeditious procedure concerningmarket access issues concerning non-tariff measures.[19] The purpose of themediation procedure is not to review the legality of a measure, but rather tofind a prompt and effective solution to a particular market access issue without recourse to litigation (the mediation mechanism does not exclude the possibility to have recourse to dispute settlement).[20] This mechanism functions through an appointment of a mediator who can advise and propose a non-binding solution within 60 days.[21]
As for the WTO practice in this regard, Article 5 of the WTO DSU provides for the possibility of good offices, mediation or conciliation, if agreed to by “the parties to a dispute”, which implies that a dispute exists. However, Article 5 has never been used during an on-going dispute since the only known resort to mediation under the said Article under the WTO DSU took place prior to the dispute, i.e. in 2002 concerning the European Community tariff preferences for canned tuna instead of initiating formal dispute settlement proceedings.
Relationship with the WTO DSU and the WTO jurisprudence
There are normally three options for dealing with forum shopping in dispute settlement: give precedence for the FTA DSM, give precedence to the WTO or other proceedings; or allow the parties to choose but prohibit re-litigation.
Given a choice between brining a dispute under the WTO or under a FTA, most complainants choose the WTO, which is one of the reasons why there are so few FTAs disputes. It is generally perceived that complainants prefer the WTO for a number of reasons: significant number of cases, greater level of predictability about the likely outcome of the dispute, strong compliance obligations and enforcement mechanisms, appellate procedures and the possibility to mobilize third-party support.
The EU-Ukraine AA DSM excludes the possibility of parallel, concomitant or repetitive dispute settlement procedures under the WTO Agreement and under the EU-Ukraine AA DSM. Indeed, where a Party has, with regard to a particular measure, instituted a dispute settlement proceeding, either under the EU-Ukraine AA DSM or under the WTO Agreement, it may not institute a dispute settlement proceeding regarding the same measure in the other forum until the first proceeding has been concluded. In addition, a Party shall not seek redress of an obligation which is identical under the EU-Ukraine AA and under the WTO Agreement in the two forums. Once a dispute settlement procedure has been initiated,[22] the Party shall not bring a claim seeking redress of the identical obligation under the other Agreement to the other forum, unless the forum selected fails for procedural or jurisdictional reasons to make findings on the claim seeking redress of that obligation. At the moment of writing of the present article, no dispute has been initiated under the WTO Dispute Settlement Understanding between the EU and Ukraine it is therefore remains to be seen how the issue of jurisdictional choice of a dispute will be addressed by the Parties.
With regard to the existing WTO jurisprudence, it must be mentioned that in cases where an obligation under the EU-Ukraine AA is identical to an obligation under the WTO Agreement, the arbitration panel shall adopt an interpretation which is consistent with any relevant interpretation established in rulings of the WTO Dispute Settlement Body.
Concluding remarks
With the entry into force of the EU-Ukraine AA on 1 September 2017, only time will tell whether its new DSM will be resorted to in order to resolve trade disputes between the EU and Ukraine. However, already at this early stage it is important to emphasize that the DSM provided in the EU-Ukraine AA sets out a new and advanced system of dispute settlement which could be used to effectively avoid and resolve trade disputes.
Clearly, trade frictions between the EU and Ukraine could arise (as recently evidenced by the EU criticism of certain measures already adopted or in the legislative process for potential adoption by Ukraine) and in such circumstances the EU-Ukraine AA DSM provides for an orderly manner for the Parties to settle their disputes. Only time will tell whether the Parties would actually resort to the new DSM mechanism under the EU-Ukraine AA or would rather prefer the WTO dispute settlement system, which is already familiar and which also offers an institutional framework of the Secretariat and possibility of an appeal.[23]   
Exclusion of some of the Chapters from the EU-Ukraine AA DSM such as safeguard and anti-dumping measures directs settlement of the disputes on such matters exclusively to the WTO. Also, the EU-Ukraine AA DSM will have no jurisdiction over interpretation of the EU acquis in regulatory approximation matters since in such cases a reference for a preliminary ruling by the Court of Justice would be required.
Atthe same time, a number of issues could exclusively be dealt through the EU-Ukraine AA DSM in circumstances when certain rights and obligations are only provided for and established by the EU-Ukraine AA such as, for instance, preferential market access or preferential rules of origin. 
Finally,it must be pointed out that the EU-Ukraine AA DSM is also needed in order to ensure that the promises and commitments set out in the EU-Ukraine AA are maintained. Indeed, economic expectations of the mutual benefits from any FreeTrade Agreement are based on the assumption of full compliance with the Agreement’s obligations. Ensuring compliance through enforcement and efficient dispute settlement mechanism is essential for the EU-Ukraine AA gains to materialize.
By Yuriy Rudyuk
[1]H. Van Rompuy “Remarks by President of the European Council at the press conference of the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius”, 29 November 2013.
[2]Art. 303 EU-Ukraine AA
[3]Exceptions apply to violations by a Party of the essential elements of the EU-Ukraine DCFTA (see Article 478, para. 3).
[4]The new model of the DSM was the first time included in 2000 (EU-MexicoFTA).  Garcia Barcero (2006), a negotiator for the European Commission, surveys the development of the Commission’s thinking on dispute settlement in trade agreements, starting withthe traditional diplomatic approach seen in the EU’s association agreements and other agreements before 2000, and discusses why the Commission’s preferences have shifted toward ad hoc arbitration procedures in the FTAs with Mexico and Chile.
[5]Understanding on Rules and procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes.
[6]Art. 304 EU-Ukraine AA
[7]Art. 52 EU-Ukraine AA
[8]Art. 261 EU-Ukraine AA
[9]Art. 300 (7) EU-Ukraine AA
[10]Art. 322 EU-Ukraine
[11]This concerns the following Chapters of the Agreement: Chapter 1 (Technical Barriers to Trade), Chapter 4 (Sanitary and phytosanitary Measures), Chapter 5 (Customs and Trade Facilitation), Chapter 6 ( Establishment, Trade and Services and Electronic Commerce), Chapter 8 (public Procurement) and Chapter 10 (Competition).
[12]Art. 321 EU-Ukraine AA
[13]Consultations on matters of urgency shall be held within 15 days (Art. 305(4)) and even quicker, i.e. within 3 days on matters concerning transport of energy goods through networks (Art. 305(5)).
[14]The Parties may continue consultations at the latest stages of dispute settlement and may reach a mutually agreed solution to a dispute at any time.They should notify the Trade Committee and the chairperson of the arbitration panel of any such solution.
[15]All arbitrators appointed to serve on an arbitration panel shall be independent, serve in their individual capacity and not take instructions fromany organization or government, or be affiliated with the government of any of the Parties, and shall comply with the Code of conduct set out in Annex XXV to this Agreement. For the details on the appointment of the arbitrators from Ukraine, see Decree of the President of Ukraine No298/2017 of 29 September 2017“On appointment of representatives of Ukraine to the arbitration groups in the framework of the dispute settlement procedures in accordance with article 306 and 307 of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union and European Atomic Energy Community and their Member States”.   
[16]As it is the case with the consultation stage, shorter deadlines are set for issuance of the Interim Report and questions from the Parties on certain aspects of the Report: half the standard time for the disputes involving seasonal or perishable goods and 20 days and 5 days respectively for the disputes concerning trade in energy matters (Art 308(2) and 308 (3)).
[17]Disputes involving seasonal or perishable goods again are subject to a shorter deadline for the arbitration panel ruling, i.e. 60 days with the maximum extension to 75 days from the date of establishment of the panel. Even a shorter deadline has been set for issuance of the arbitration panel ruling for the trade in energy related disputes, i.e. 40 days from the date of establishment of the arbitration panel with no possibility of an extension(Art. 310 (2) and 310(3)).
[18]In suspending obligations, the complaining Party may choose to increase its tariff rates to the level applied to other WTO Members on a volume of trade to be determined in such a way that the volume of trade multiplied by the increase of the tariff rates equals to the value of the nullification or impairment caused by the violation (Art. 315(3)).
[19]Art. 324 EU-Ukraine AA.
[20]Art. 333 EU-Ukraine AA.
[21]Art. 331 EU-Ukraine AA
[22]For the dispute settlement proceedings under the WTO Agreement, the proceedings are deemed to be initiated by a Party’s request for the establishment of a panel under Article 6 of the WTO DSU. For the dispute settlement proceedings under the EU-Ukraine AA, the proceedings are deemed to be initiated by a Party’s request for establishment of an arbitration panel under Article 306(1) of the Agreement.
[23]Also, the costs of the WTO DSM are already paid by the Parties’ respective WTOcontributions whereas the costs for the DSM under the EU-Ukraine AA are to beborne by the Parties.
 来源:微信公众号 临时仲裁ADA



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